- January 1960: Northmount won the High School team title. Peter Gergely
was McGill Speed champion.
- February 1960: The top finishers in the City Speed championship were
H. Matthai, L. Witt, R. Hirsch, and E. Sclosser. 28 participants. The
City Open (68 players) was won by Ireneus Suchorski, "a 32 year old
recent Polish immigrant", with 8-2, winning on tiebreak over N.
Williams and N. Engalicev.
- March 1960: McGill and Queens tied for first (10-8) in an
intercollegiate tournament at Kingston. I. Suchorski gave a simul
against 11 high school students, losing to G. Rubin and A. Edel, and
drawing with W. Hiritsch.
- April 1960: McGill beat CMR 8-0. The McGill CC executive was: A.
Alcock - pres.; R. Marlin - sec.; J. Trischuk - tres.
- May 1960: No local news.
- June 1960: The Montreal Closed championship (6 players) was won by
R. Hirsch over E. Kajdi in a playoff. The 6-player "B" section was
won by F. Abramovitch, G. Rubin, and D. Kaufman. The 10-player "C"
section was won by S. Vicizian (9-0).
- July 1960: No local news.
- August 1960: No local news.
- September 1960: L. Joyner came second (7.5-2.5) after A. Saidy in the
3rd Canadian Open in Kitchener. Other local scores: N. Williams (6-4),
J. Gersho (5.5-4.5).
- October 1960: The Provincial Championship (30 players - Manor House in
Ste. Agathe) was won by L. Joyner (5.5-0.5). L. Therien was the highest
scoring junior, thus becoming Provincial Junior champion. W. Hornung
directed. The tournament was open to all residents of the Province;
entry fee was $5; $20 covered accommodation and meals. M. Guze was
elected 2nd v.p. of the CFC; W. Hornung was elected treasurer.
- November 1960: The Montreal City Open began with 54 players at the
NDG Centre. Entry fee: $6, plus $1 CFC.
- December 1960: The High School championship (68 players) was held at
the NDG Centre. Entry fee: $1, plus $0.50 CFC. 16 year old Robert
Rubin was scheduled to play in the 1961 World Junior. McGill tied U. de
Montreal 2-2. R Alcock 1 M. Malinowski 0; S. Kunz 1 J. Furstner 0;
R. Marlin 0 S. Dubuc 1; J. Trischuk 0 D. Zaikoff 1. A. Alcock and R.
Marlin tied for first in the 10-player McGill Speed Championship.
- January 1961: The 1960 High School Championship (72 players) was won
by G. Rubin 7-1. The top school was Northmount with 31.5. P. Rubin
directed. C. Kalman (5-0) won the Westhill H.S. championship.
- February 1961: The Montreal Speed Championship (40 entries) was won
by N. Engalicev, followed by L. Witt and I. Zalys. The City Open
(54 players) was won by L. Witt (10.5-1.5), followed by F. Furstner
(10-2) and I. Zalys (9-3). P. Muskat was 4.5-7.5. L. Therien (8-4) was
the top junior. The German-Canadian CC beat Philidor CC 7-4.
- March 1961: The City Closed began with 10 players - L. Joyner withdrew
after a 3.5-0.5 score. A. Siklos won a speed tournament, the entry
fees from which were to be used to send R. Rubin to the World Junior
in Amsterdam (did he ever go?). L. Joyner and A. Siklos finished 11-2
in a tandem simul, losing to G. Rubin and R. Rubin, who received book
prizes from W. Oaker. Also particiapting was David Rubin, aged 4 1/2.
- April 1961: L. Witt gave a clock simul (30 moves/hour) against 15 high
school students, scoring 12.5-2.5, losing to G. Rubin and E. Abolash,
and drawing with A. Edel. The High School Team championship (40
players) was won by Northmount HS (3.5-0.5). The team won a trophy,
and each member a chessboard. R. Rubin won a chess magazine
subscription for the best top board. P. Rubin directed. The McGill CC
championship (10 players) was won by J. Paris (3.5-0.5). J. Nador
was president, and W. Hinds, sec-treas.
- May 1961: The City Closed was won by I. Zalys (6.5-1.5), followed by
A. Shilov, R. Hirsch, and L. Witt (6-2).
- June 1961: The German-Canadian CC (R. Fieger, director) met Fridays
at 8:30 at 1169 St-Catherine W. D. Laurin and H. Charland (7-2) won
the "A" tournament (10 players) at Chez Leo, 4724 Papineau. The "B"
tournament (14 players) was won by G. Jobin.
- July 1961: No local news.
- August 1961: No local news.
- September 1961: The Canadian Closed at Brockville finished:
L. Joyner (9-2), Z. Vranesic (8.5-2.5), A. Cayford and A. Siklos
(7-4) etc.
- October 1961: The Provincial Open (35 players) took place at the Manor
House, Ste-Agathe. Entry fee was $4, plus $1 CFC. A room for two nights
and eight meals cost $21. F. Furstner won the first prize of $20; J.
Rauch won the $10 second prize; a book prize went to the top junior,
G. Rubin.
- November 1961: The City Open started with 54 players. Entry fee was $10,
with $3 refunded if a player completed the tournament. W. Hornung
- December 1961: The High School championship was scheduled at the NDG
Centre, with W. Hornung directing. Entry fee: $1, plus $0.50 CFC.
Sets and clocks were supplied - 45 moves in 1 1/2 hours, then 30
moves/hour. First prize (team): Pollack trophy. First prize
(individual): Hemsley trophy plus a 12-volume encyclopedia. Top
under-13: Daoust trophy. The coach of the winning team also won a
trophy. The top 75 finishers also won a key chain with a simulated
ivory knight on it.
- January 1962: The 86-player High School championship was won by G.
Rubin (8-0). John Rennie H.S. won the team title with 31 points.
Other noted participants were: D. Duchoeny (Baron Byng) 4.5-3.5;
Barbara Rubin (John Rennie) 3.5-4.5; and Juan Rodriguez (West Hill)
3-5. The German-Canadian CC met at 1108 Ste. Catherine W.
- February 1962: The 54-player Montreal Open was won by L. Witt and
E. Schlosser (9-2). The Montreal CC had weekly speed tournaments
at its new location at 1558 St. Denis, 2nd floor. The 36-player
Montreal Speed championship was won by L. Witt and N. Engalicev.
Entry fee was $2. Chez Leo CC opened at 4724 Papineau - A. Duquette
(pres), H. Meloche (treas.). The U. de Montreal won the Eastern
Canadian Intercollegiate (14.5-9.5). Top boards were: M. Malinowski
(1-2), L. Therien (1.5-1.5), S. Dubuc (3-0), J. Fontaine (2-1).
- March 1962: A second branch of the Montreal CC opened at the Malov
Restaurant, at 6635 Cote des Neiges. It was open every evening.
L. Witt and E. Schlosser gave a tandem simul, winning 15, losing to
J. Greenblatt, and drawing R. Rubin and J.K. Macdonald.
- April 1962: Outremont (4-0) won the High School team title. Montreal
beat Ottawa 8-4. Some results were: L. Witt 1, R. Rodgers 0; A. Siklos
1, K. Winterton 0; E. Schlosser 0.5, D. Dougherty 0.5; R. Hirsch 1,
L. Day 0. The German-Canadian CC beat Chez Leo 9-4.
- May 1962: Montreal beat Ottawa 6-2. Some results were: L. Witt 1, K.
Winterton 0; A. Cayford 1, D. Dougherty 0; E. Schlosser 1, G. Weaver 0;
R. Leckie 1, L. Day 0.
- June 1962: No local news.
- July 1962: No local news.
- August 1962: The 10-player Montreal CC championship was won by R.
Hirsch (7-2), who won $100.
- September 1962: The 48-player Canadian Open in Ottawa was won by L.
Witt (9-0).
- October 1962: A 35-player speed tournament held at the NDG Centre,
was won by L. Witt.
- November 1962: The 48-player Montreal Open began as a 10-round Swiss.
W. Hornung directed.
- December 1962: P. Trifunovic was scheduled to give a simul Jan. 5.
- January 1963:
P. Trifunovic allowed a draw to J. Ferencz in a simul at the
International YMCA, 5550 Park Ave. Entry fee was $3. John Rennie won
the Pollack Trophy in the 99-player High School championship. G.
Rubin (7.5-0.5) won the Hemsley trophy and a 12-volume encyclopedia.
A high school team beat U. de Montreal, the Eastern Canada
Intercollegiate champions, 6-2. Board 1: G. Rubin 1, L. Therien 0.
Board 2: R. Leckie 0, J. Fontaine 1. The Montreal CC was open
evenings and weekends at a new location (1259 St. Catherine W.).
The Pointe Claire CC met Tuesday and Friday nights at Stewart Hall.
- February 1963: A high school team tied U. de Montreal 6-6. Board 1:
G. Rubin 1, N. Malinowski 0; Board 2: R. Leckie 0, J. Fontaine 1.
L. Witt was scheduled to give a series of 8 lectures at the Montreal
CC for $5. The 47-player Montreal Open, directed by W. Hornung, was
won by H. Matthai (9-1), R. Drummond (8-2) etc.
- March 1963: The Inter-club tournament started. N. Williams gave a
simul at the Montreal CC, winning 10 (one of them against 6-year old
David Rubin), losing to G. Rubin and M. Malinowski, and drawing 11-year
old C. Coudari, J.K. Macdonald, D. Grinton, and L. Abramovitch.
- April 1963: The 12-team Inter-club tournament was won by the Montreal
CC and the Lithuanian CC; the Montreal CC winning the playoff by
default. Outremont HS won the high school team title (68 players), and
won the Lesage trophy at Quebec by tying the Petit Seminaire 3-3 (they
won by eliminating the last board result).
- May 1963: The Eastern Canada Intercollegiate was won by U. de Montreal.
The 30-player Provincial championship (not held in 1962; held twice in
1963) was won by R. Hirsch and L. Witt (4-0). They won $35 each.
- June 1963: An Open tournament was scheduled for June 22-24 at the NDG
Centre, with an entry fee of $10, and one hour to mate. The entry fee
could be applied to membership in the proposed Montreal Chess Centre
(committee of D. Boileau, L. Witt, M. Moss). This tournament was later
postponed. The Cote St. Luc
CC met at the City Hall annex, 5762 Westminster, Monday evenings, and
was run by John Como. The Quebec Federation executive was: J. Therien
(pres.); A. Leprise, J. Beaulieu, J.E. Bourdon (v.p.'s); W. Hornung
(sec-tres.). The Montreal Chess Centre opened at 112 St. Joseph W.
open Thursdays through Sundays..
- July 1963: The Montreal Chess centre was renamed the Boulevard CC.
- August 1963: S. Gligoric gave a 22-board simul at the Boulevard CC,
losing to H. Eisel and R. Leckie, and drawing Y. Coudari, A. Edel,
M. Husid, D. Pavlovic, and E. Schlosser. The 10-player Chez Leo CC
championship at 4724 Papineau, was won by I. Poirier (15-3); the 13
player "B" section by A. Marcil; and the "C" by V. Blais. J. Greenblatt,
one of Outremont HS top players, had the highest Grade 11 exam average
in the province.
- September 1963: The Montreal Chess League executive was: J. Bourdon
(pres.); J. Therien and P. Brunet (v.p.'s); D. Boileau (sec.); F.J.
Berrigan (tres.). The 28-player Montreal Speed championship at the
Boulevard CC, was won by L. Witt (6.5-0.5).
- October 1963: The 15-player North American Estonian championship at the
NDG centre was won by E. Rose (4-1). The Peterborough CC beat Chez Leo
5-4 in a match. The 22-player Provincial championship at the NDG Centre
was won by L. Witt (5-1). Entry fees were $10; $5 for juniors; 50 %
returned in prizes; directed by D. Ledain.
- November 1963: No local news.
- December 1963: Interscholastic and team championships started.
- January 1964: M. Jaglom (6.5-0.5) won the 37-player Boulevard CC Open.
Chez Leo CC beat Boulevard CC 7.5-4.5 in a match. The 95-player
Interscholastic tournament was won by Jacques Patenaude of Ecole
secondaire Richard (7-1). Camille Coudari (College Francais) won the
Daoust trophy with 5.5-2.5. The Pollack trophy for the top team was won
by High School of Montreal.
- February 1964: Bobby Fischer gave a 56-board simul at Sir George
Williams University ($5 to play; $1 to watch), losing to I. Zalys,
H. Zizys, H. Feldman, D. Stockton, and P. Jacob; and drawing M. Cohen,
G. Gercei, and E. Damian. Winners and drawers received a year's
subscription to "American Chess Quarterly". In a 10-board clock
simul ($15 to play; $1 to watch), he won 10-0. The 8-player Ladies'
championship was won by 16-year old Susan Prokopenko (7-0). The 6-team
"B" team champions were Estonians (H. Paabo, W. Puna, M. Alaots,
A. Nestra), who beat Chez Leo in a playoff. The 4-team "A" team
championship was won by Chez Leo (18.5-5.5) (J. Therien, P. Brunet,
D. Boileau, I. Poirier). McGill finished second (14-10) at the Eastern
Canada Intercollegiate at Toronto, behind U. of Toronto (18-6).
- March 1964: No local news.
- April 1964: A team of some of the best players from Cuba beat
Montreal's best 7-3 in a double round event (L. Witt 0.5,0.0;
A. Siklos 0.5; I. Zalys 0.0,0.0; M. Fox 1,0.5; R. Hirsch 0.5;
D. Allen 0.0).
- May 1964: The 12-player Premier was won by G. Rubin (9-2), D. Allen
(8-3); the 12-player Challengers by H. Paffrath (10-1); the 16-player
Reserves by Arthur Langlois (8-2); the 21-player Montreal Speed
championship (10 sec/move) by L. Witt (6.5-0.5).
- June 1964: The Boulevard CC moved to 201 Rachel E., "reorganized" by
Karl Filsner.
- July 1964: The 10-player Major was won by D.M. Lapenna; the "C" team
(4 teams) by NDG (18.5-5.5; D. Lapenna, M. Duplat, A. Lunga, A.
Duranteau). The 7-player Juvenile championship was won by 8-year old
Joshua Hausman. 8-year old David Rubin scored 3-3. The El Cortijo
Restaurant offered chess from noon to midnight. A. Ketis was in charge.
- August 1964: No local news.
- September 1964: Proposals were made to hold the Canadian Open and the
Interzonal in Montreal in 1967. The Boulevard CC was renamed the
Cosmopolitan CC (J.W. Demers (pres.), R. Desnoyers, T. Englehardt,
M. Godfrey, W. Hornung (v.p.'s)).
- October 1964: The Cosmopolitan CC was renamed the Metropolitain CC.
The Provincial Championship (28 players at the NDG Centre) was won
by I. Zalys (5-1). It was directed by D. Ledain and W. Hornung
(entry fee was $6 + $2 CFC, students half price, 50% returned in
- November 1964: The Executive of the Montreal Chess League was:
J. Therien (pres.); O.M. Macconnell and M. Strigberger (v.p.'s);
G. Rubin (sec.); S. Ludmer (tres.); W. Hornung (auditor). The
Lakeshore CC was holding its annual tournament. H.S. Craig and
P. Aleksis were in charge.
- December 1964: Lakeshore won the "A" team championship (J. Therien,
P. Brunet, L. Therien, J. Fontaine, J. Labelle).
- January 1965: The 68-player High School championship was won by
Camille Coudari (8-0), who won the Daoust and Hemsley trophies,
and a chess clock. Gabor Lantos (7-1) won an inlaid chessboard
donated by Philip Rubin. Outremon HS won the Pollack Trophy (32.5).
The City Championships started. The "B" team winner was Sir George
Williams university.
- February 1965: The Eastern Canadian Intercollegiate at the U. de
Montreal was won by U. of Toronto (36-12), followed by SGWU (31.5-
16.5), U. de Montreal (29-19), McGill (27.5-20.5) etc. F. Anderson
gave a simul at the CNR Social Centre, winning 30, losing to W. Prince,
M. Litwin, G. Lantos, and J. Liska, and drawing A. Schurr, P. Piche,
and P. Stevemson.
- March 1965: The Ladies' championship was scheduled to start, but was
postponed until the fall. Joseph Sawyer died at the age of 90 - he
"won the first provincial championship in 1903". The 15-player
Juvenile championship was won by 11-year ols Sidney Ballin (3.5-1.5).
Norwich College of Vermont lost two matches to McGill (4.5-0.5) and to
SGWU (4-3). The Metropolitain CC at 201 Rachel E. held speed
tournaments Saturday afternoons and evenings.
- April 1965: No local news.
- May 1965: The 12-player Premier was won by L. Witt (9.5-1.5), G.
Rubin (9-2); the 12-player Challengers by P.E. Murray (7.5-1.5), D.
Lapenna (7-2); the 23-player Reserves by M. Jurjo (7-1), S. Flower and
J. Como (6-2); the 15-player Minor by J. Maher (7-0), P. Rubin (5-2).
Montreal beat Ottawa 11.5-8.5 in a match. Top boards: L. Witt = F.
Bohatirchuk; G.Rubin + R. Simpson; L. Therien + G. Danilov. The
62-player Ontario Open at Kingston was won by L. Witt (5.5-0.5),
G. Rubin (5-1).
- June 1965: The 32-player City Knockout championship was won by R.
Rubin who beat L. Therien 2.5-1.5.
- July 1965: The Chateauguay CC was being run by Gilles Garand. The
20-player Vermont State Open at Rutland was won by G. Rubin (4-1).
- August 1965: No local news.
- September 1965: No local news.
- October 1965: Montreal and Eastern Ontario tied 8.5-8.5 in a match
at the Metropolitain CC. Top boards: L. Witt + F. Bohatirchuk;
I. Zalys = L. day; L. Therien = K. Winterton. The 48-player
Provincial championship (entry fee: $10, $5 for juniors; $100 1st
guaranteed) at the NDG Centre was won by 16-year old Gabor Lantos and
L. Witt (5-1). The Lakeshore CC, run by P. Brunet, met Tuesday and
Friday evenings at Stewart Hall. The executive of the Metropolitain CC
was: J.W. Demers (pres.), M. Fox (hon. chairman), H. Desnoyers,
T. Englehardt, and J. Goyette (v.p.'s). The FJEQ executive was: J.
Therien (pres.), O.M. MacConnell and M. Dion (v.p.'s), W. Hornung
- November 1965: The 25-player Montreal speed championship (10 sec./move)
was won by L. Witt (6.5-0.5). The 11-player Metropolitain CC Summer
Invitational was won by L. Witt (10.5-0.5)
- December 1965: No local news.
- January 1966: The "A" team champions (6 teams) were Lakeshore
(14.5-4.5) (A. Hoffman, P. Brunet, P.C. Phillips, G. Aleksis). The "B"
team champions (6 teams) were Lakeshore (13.5-6.5) (P. de Gruchy,
J. Kotsilidis, W. Smart, F. Chubb).
February 1966: The City Championships started. The 78-player Quebec
Carnival tournament was won by L. Witt (5-0 $200), followed by
G. Lantos and G. Rubin (4.5-0.5). 8-year old Jean Hebert scored 2-3.
The Eastern Canadian Intercollegiate was a tie between U. of Toronto
and McGill (36.5-11.5). U. of Toronto won on tiebreak. McGill's team
was: R. Leckie, P. Murray, D. Macpherson, S. Brown, M. Strigberger,
K. Cox, M. Schneiderman.
- March 1966: The 7-player Ladies' championship was won by Susan
Prokopenko (5.5-0.5).
- April 1966: The 31-player 3rd Juvenile Championship was won by:
under 10: David Malen (6-0); under 12: Derek Wood, H. Pinkus, and
Alan Winter (4-1); under 14: Kishore Anand, Rainer Pochubay, Sam
Kleinplatz (4). Sam Kleinplatz won the final (5-1). McGill beat U.
de Montreal 8.5-2.5 in a match (R. Leckie 0.5 J. Fontaine 0.5;
P. Murray 1 J. Labelle 0; H. Mednick 1 L. Therien 0 etc.). McGill
beat Norwich U. of Vermont 3.5-1.5 and 3-2. The 49-player High
School championship was won by G. Lantos (7.5-0.5), C. Coudari
(7-1). Outremont HS (20.5) won the Pollack trophy (G. Lantos,
S. Mihaly, A. Baum, J. Caron). The Metropolitain CC supplied
scoresheets, and Arthur Langlois donated book prizes.
- May 1966: The 16-player City Championship was won by L. Witt (10-0),
E. Scholsser, J. Therien, G. Lantos, I. Zalys, R. Leckie (6-4);
the 16-player Challengers by D. Fischer (9-1), E. Cowdrey (8-2);
the 14-player Reserves by E. Steckoll (7.5-0.5), E. Kajdi (6.5-1.5);
the 12-player Minor by D. Bauer (6-0), S. Kleinplatz (5-1).
- June 1966: No local news.
- July 1966: No local news.
- August 1966: The 34-player Vermont State championship at Northfield
was won by G. Rubin (4.5-0.5).
- September 1966: The Canadian Open at Kingston featured a win by G. Rubin
over Pal Benko. Rubin tied with C. Coudari at 6.5-3.5. L. Witt had 7-3.
The Metropolitain CC championship was won by A. Feldman, followed by
Gilbert Delisle. The club had 60 members.
- October 1966: The 54-player Provincial Open at the NDG Centre was won by
Juda Sousman (5.5-0.5), L. Witt and J. Labelle (5-1). Prizes were:
$125, 75, 50, 25, 15, 10. The 30-player Montreal speed championship
was won by J. Labelle (6-1) (10 seconds/move). Alcan beat Sun Life 6-2
in a match. The Outremont CC met at the International YMCA, 5550 Park
Ave, Thurs. and Fri. evenings. J. Brophy (pres.), H. dePafgar (v.p.),
W. Zidbro (sec.). The executive of the Montreal CC was:
Jean Demers (pres.), M. Fox (hon. chairman), H. Feldman,
H. Desnoyers, O.M. Macconnell (v.p.'s).
- November 1966: The 67-player Montreal Open (entry fees: $10,$5,#3) was
won by A. Michaely (7-1, $75 and trophy), G. Rubin (6.5-1.5, $60).
Outremont CC beat Alcan 8.5-2.5. The Eastern Ontario Chess League beat
the Montreal Chess League 11.5-8.5 in a match. Top boards:
J. Sousman 0 F. Bohatirchuk 1; T. Ackerman 0 L. Day 1; I. Zalys 0
W. Doubleday 1. The 32-player Norwich (Vermont) Open was won by
C. Coudari (5-0). The executive of the Montreal Chess League was:
J. Therien (pres.), O.M. Macconnell and D.M. Lapenna (v.p.'s),
D.C. Groves (sec-tres.).
- December 1966: The 63-player Interscholastic was won by G. Lantos
(Outremont 8-0), M. Johnston (Chomedy 6.5-1.5). The Pollack trophy
was won by Outremont (21.5 G. Lantos, S. Mihaly, E. Nadler, G. Fantus).
- January 1967: The Eastern Canadian Intercollegiate at Toronto ended in
a tie between U. of Toronto and McGill (39-9 - R. Leckie, P. Murray,
H. Mednick, R. Stewart, D. McPherson, K. Cox, M. Schneiderman,
M. Strigberger).
- February 1967: The 5-team "AA" team championship was won by the
Metropolitain CC (11.5-4.5 - L. Witt, L. Leder, M. Fox, O.M. Macconnell,
S. Betwenek, K. Pohl). The 74-player Quebec Carnival tournament was won
by G. Rubin, L. Witt, J. Sousman, J. Therien (4.5-0.5).
- March 1967: The 6-team "A" team championship was won by Outremont
(14.5-5.5 - M. Enesco, G. Dinesco, M. Duplat, S. Podolsky, D. Bauer).
- April 1967: The City Championships - Premier was won by J. Fontaine
(7-1), G. Lantos (6-2); the Challengers by R. Martin (5-0), D. Kosich
(3-2); the Reserves by S. Kleinplatz (9-0), D. Smith, H. Streit,
L. Williams (6.5-2.5); the Minor by J. Katz; the Juvenile by
U. Gerber (Loyola). The Interscholastic Open was won by
M. Johnston (Chomedy 5.5-0.5), D. Stoll (Dunton 4.5-1.5).
On Sat. April 15, there was no chess column in the Gazette - the first
Saturday without a column since D. Ledain started on April 2, 1949.
- May 1967: The Outremont CC was won by Marcel Duplat (5-0). HS of
Montreal beat LCC 7-4 in a match. The 13-player Air Canada CC
championship was won by D. Singh (14.5). Quebec beat New York State
13.5-10.5 in a match held at the Lakeshore CC. In a simul at
SGWU, Paul Keres won 10, and drew J. Gersho and M. Cohen. At the USSR
pavillion at Expo 67, he beat 17, losing to K. Pohl, and drawing one.
At the Lakeshore CC, he beat 21, losing to G. Lantos, M. Johnston,
S. Kleinplatz, P. Muskat, E. Pederson, and P. Berlow, and drawing
D. Stoll, E. Viires, G. Rubin, Y. Coudari, N. Zimninski, and
E. Marchand.
- June 1967: The 10-player "A" section of the Lakeshore CC championship
was won by Phil Brunet (9-0); the 10-player "B" section by H. Porsaa
(7.5-1.5). The Labourdonnais CC opened at 4557 Papineau, run by
Gilles Jobin.
- July 1967: The proposed Canadian Open to be held in Montreal was
cancelled because of the "lack of financial support from local
business and local chess clubs" (D. Ledain). W. Hornung announced
his retirement from chess organization. The Lakeshore CC executive was:
G. Aleksis (pres.), H. Porsaa (sec.), J. Kotsilidis (tres.), P. de
Gruchy (tournament dir.).
- August 1967: P. Brunet beat J. Therien 55-45 in a 100-game match.
P. Brunet moved to New Brunswick to work for the federal Civil Service.
D. Yanofsky won 33 in a simul at the Lakeshore CC, losing to M. Brender,
and drawing S. Kleinplatz, D. Stoll, L. Williams, G. Brodeur, R. Muskat,
F. Thifault, G. Stark, J. Boznik, J. Labelle, and N. Zimninski.
- September 1967: No local news.
- October 1967: The 28-player City Speed championship (10 seconds/move)
was won by J. Therien and L. Witt (6.5-0.5). In two simuls at the USSR
pavillion at Expo 67, Nona Gaprindashvili won 23, lost to Denys St-Denis
and drew Robert Vachon; won 18, lost to P. Murray, K. Harte,
R. Dagenais, and S. Cohen, and drew R. Schiele, V. Mezi, and J. Marica.
The 75-player Provincial championship at the NDG Centre (entry fees:
$10, $5) was won by L. Witt and C. Coudari (5.5-0.5). Montreal beat
New England 5.5-2.5 in a match at the Metropolitain CC. Board 1:
C. Coudari 1 J. Bolton 0.
- November 1967: In a simul at McGill, Paul Keres beat 23, lost to G.
Lantos, L. Williams and J. Hardinge, and drew K. Cox, N. Charness,
A. Niederhoffer, R. Leckie, K. Koerbel, and A. Leimanis. At the NDG
Centre, he beat 29, and drew R. Martin, L. Williams, D. Fischer,
J. Labelle, G. Delisle, S. Dubuc, and E. Viires. In a clock simul at
the Metropolitain CC, he won 6, lost to C. Coudari, and drew J.
Labelle, E. Viires, and G. Lantos. In a simul at Lakeshore, Boris
Spassky beat 24, drawing with S. Kleinplatz.
- December 1967: The 46-player Montreal Open was won by Klaus Pohl
and G. Rubin (7-1), L. Therien and D. Fischer (6-2). The executive
of the Montreal Chess League was: J. Therien (pres.), R. Martin and
O.M. Macconnell (v.p.'s), C. Coudari (sec-tres.). The executive of
the Quebec federation was: O.M. Macconnell (pres.), J.B. Bergeron,
R. Martin, and J. Therien (v.p.'s), P. de Gruchy (sec.), J.
Kotsilidis (tres.). The 62-player Interscholastic "Closed" was won
by D. Stoll and A. Fitzsimmons (7-1). Stoll won a trophy and a
"superb imitation ivory chess set donated by Arthur Langlois".
The winner of the Pollack trophy was Malcolm Campbell HS (20.5-11.5 -
J. Simon, W. Tom, B. Dunlop, A. Cerins, D. Simmons).
- January 1968: McGill finished 8th out of 26 teams in the US
Intercollegiate at Hoboken, NJ (G. Lantos 4.5-3.5, P. Murray and
J. Hardinge 5-3, N. Charness 4-4).
- February 1968: The 10-team Eastern Canadian Intercollegiate held at
SGWU was won by McGill (6-0, 38.5-9.5). The 8-team "A" team
championship was won by Teenagers (4-1, S. Kleinplatz, J. Katz,
A. Holko, L. Piasetski).
- March 1968: The 76-player 3rd Quebec Carnival
tournament was won by G. Rubin (5-0), M. Johnston (4.5-0.5).
The City Championships started - the Premier being open to anyone
rated over 1850, and the Challengers to anyone over 1750. The 8-team
Commercial team championship was won by Standard Life (4.5-0.5 -
N. Ponce, A. Meech, I. Dale, K. Wilsson, H. Kaplon).
- April 1968: The FJEQ (predecessor of the FQE) was incorporated. The
36-player Easter Interscholastic was won by L. Piasetski (5.5-0.5),
R. Muskat, J. Szwaronek (5-1). The 5-team "AA" team champions were
President's Team (9-7 - J. Therien, C. Coudari, J. Fontaine, S. Dubuc);
the 6-team "B" champions were Lakeshore (15-5 - F. Chubb, H. Smart,
G. Michaud, E. Kivit, J. Kramer).
- May 1968: 10-year old Jean Hebert won the Quebec City juvenile
championship (9-1). "A brilliant future is predicted for him" - D.
Ledain. The 16-player Premier was won by K. Pohl (5.5-1.5),
S. Kleinplatz, J. Labelle, and D. Stoll (5-2); the 16-player
Challengers by N. Borba and I. Stankovic (5-1); the 21-player
Reserves by Robin Black (5.5-0.5); the 15-player Minor by T. Zizys
(5.5-0.5); the 36-player Juvenile: under 14: David Bryant and George
Bowa (7-0); under 12: David Levine and Sidharth Anjilvel (5-1);
under 10: Daniel Sterlin and Satish Anjilvel (6-2).
- June 1968: The Metroplitain CC moved to the Vanderbilt Bridge Club,
3626 Mountain, meeting on Wed. and Fri. evenings, and weekend
afternoons. The Lakshore CC Premier was won by N. Zimninski (7-1);
the Challengers by G. Aleksis (7-1); the Reserves by E. Kivit.
- July 1968: No local news.
- August 1968: No local news.
- September 1968: The 17-player Man and His World speed tournament was
won by J. Labelle (4-1). The Chateauguay CC met at the Chateuguay
Cultural Centre. Organizers were R. Bedard and H. Prud'homme. In a
simul at McGill, Bent Larsen beat 36, losing to S. Kleinplatz, B.
Gendron, W. Butler, and R. Ganong, and drawing B. Klein, A.
Fitzsimmons, F. Gourge, G. Agnew, G. Lantos, N. Charness, and
P. Murray.
- October 1968: D. Ledain's column was shifted to Thursday, thus Saturday,
Oct. 12 had no chess column. The 94-player provincial championship
at the NDG Centre was won by C. Coudari (5.5-0.5), A. Michaely, L. Witt,
D. Allan, P. Murray, C. Aykroyd, and I. Stankovic (5-1). The
28-player City Speed championship (10 seconds/move) was won by
C. Coudari and G. Rubin (5-1). The FJEQ executive was: J.L. Bergevin
(pres.), J. Therien and E. Viires (v.p.'s), P. de Gruchy (sec.), J.
Kotsilidis (tres.).
- November 1968: The 59-player Montreal Open was won by K. Pohl (7-1),
G. Rubin (6.5-1.5). The 20-player Maine Open was won by L. Williams,
G. Rubin, and S. Elowich (4.5-1.5). Lakeshore CC beat Chateauguay CC
- December 1968: The 39-player Commercial individual championship was
won by E. Viires (6-0), winning the RBT Trophy. The executive of the
Montreal Chess League was: J. Therien (pres.), I. Stankovic (v.p.),
C. Coudari (sec-tres.). The McGill CC championship was won by C.
Coudari (3.5-0.5); the SGWU CC championship by D. Stoll (4-1).
Seniors beat Juniors 7-5 in a match held at Alcan. On board 1,
M. Fox drew M. Johnston. In simuls at Alcan, L. Witt beat 15, lost
to D. Kilgour, and drew E. Uggowitzer and W. Romanowski; J. Labelle
beat 17, losing to G. Urquart and G. Shevchenko, and drawing J.
Pirlot. The 58-player Interscholastic (Western Division) was won by
J. Katz (5.5-0.5); the winning team was Westhill. The Metropolitain
CC Speed championship was won by G. Rubin, P. Murray, and E.
Schlosser (6.5-1.5). Rubin won on tiebreak, winning a turkey and a
fruit cake. The 12-player Chateaugauay Regional tournament was won
by I. Hipsagh (4.5-0.5), who became the regional representative for
the 1969 Quebec Carnival tournament.
- January 1969: The 27-player Interscholastic (Central Division) was won
by Pierre Lemyre (6-0); the winning team was Mont St-Louis. The
Interscholastic Final was won by J. Katz, P. Lemyre, and M. Read (5-1).
They each received a plastic chess set from Arthur Langlois. The
winning team was Mont St-Louis, who were scheduled to play a match
against the top school team from Quebec City.
- February 1969: The 86-player Quebec Carnival tournament was won by
L. Day and C. Coudari (5-0). There were no chess columns in the
Gazette on Thurs. Jan. 30, Feb. 6, 13, and 20.
- March 1969: The 8-team Commercial championship was won by Alcan (5-0 -
E. Viires, C. Royle, P. Ovorsky, G. Coulombe). The 9-team Eastern
Canadian Intercollegiate at the U. of Waterloo was won by McGill
(C. Coudari, R. Ganong, P. Murray, G. Lantos, L. Williams,
A. Maloney, L. Piasetski, H. Brodie, N. Charness). The 20-player
SGWU CC speed championship was won by G. Rubin (8.5-1.5).
- April 1969: The 18-player Provincial speed championship (10 sec/move)
at St-Jean was won by K. Pohl (4-1). The Interscholastic Open was won
by P. Lemyre (5-0), J. Katz, R. Richardson (3.5-1.5). The Juvenile
winners were: under-14 - H. Zurowski; under-12 - Jason Lester;
under-10 - Dan Sterlin.
- May 1969: The 16-player Premier was won by K. Pohl (6-2), I. Zalys
5.5-2.5; the 14-player Challengers by R. Muskat (8-0), D. Duchoeny
(7-1); the 15-player Reserves by A. Edel (5-1), H. Streit (4.5-1.5);
the 12-player Minor by Ajit Thakkar (6-0), B. Blank (4.5-1.5). The
Provincial Interscholastic Team championship match was a 3-3 tie
between Mont St-Louis of Montreal and Limoilou of Quebec. Mont
St-Louis won on tiebreak by eliminating the last board result. Board
1 was P. Lemyre 1 C. Letourneau 0. Other members of the winning team
were: G. Hudon, P.E. Gagnon, G. Urquhart, N. Urquhart, and M. Larose.
- June 1969: The 12-player St. Hyacinthe Open was won by A. Thakkar
- July 1969: The Alekhine CC opened July 11 in room 3124 of the Showmart
on Berri St., on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Organizers were:
Arthur Langlois, Andre Murray, and Jules Ironman.
- August 1969: The first Alekhine CC speed tournament (24 players) was
won by P. Lemyre (7-0). The 41-player Alekhine CC open was won by R.
Ganong and L. Williams (4.5-0.5). A series of simuls by strong
players was given at Eaton's downtown store. The 18-player
Canadian Closed was held at Stewart Hall in Pointe Claire. It was won
by D. Suttles and Z. Vranesic (13-4). The 18-player Reserves section
was won by R. Ganong (5.5-1.5), P. Lemyre and I. Stankovic (5-2).
- September 1969: No local news.
- October 1969: The 59-player Provincial championship at the St-Denis
Centre was won by I. Zalys (5.5-0.5), L. Piasetski, R. Rubin, E.
Leimanis, and L. Williams (5-1). Entry fees were $12 and $8. The
22-player King's Gambit madatory opening tournament at the Alekhine
CC was won by J. Labelle (6-0), C. Johnston (5-1). The 16-player
Metropolitain CC speed championship was won by M. Johnston (13-2). The
22-player Montreal speed championship was won by G. Rubin (6.5-1.5).
The Lakshore CC began its 9th season, meeting on Tues. and Friday
nights. The club president was J. Kotsilidis. R. Bedard was president
of the Chateauguay CC, and R. Fieger was the organizer of the St.
Lambert CC, which met Tues. nights.
- November 1969: The 17-player Alekhine's Defence mandatory opening
tournament at the Alekhine CC was won by L. Williams (6-0), R. Lebel
(5-1). The FJEQ executive was: J. Therien (pres.), G. Cote and
A. Langlois (v.p.'s), B. Ouimet (sec.), and J. Kotsilidis (tres.). The
NDG Chess Centre, under the direction of D. Ledain, was open Sunday
afternoons at the NDG Centre. The 17-player Essex (Vermont) Open was
won by G. Rubin and R. Rubin (4.5-0.5).
- December 1969: The Alekhine CC beat Lakeshore 10-2 in a match. The
29-player Montreal Open was won by K. Pohl (7.5-0.5), R. Ganong, L.
Piasetski, R. Rubin, I. Sienkiewicz, and L. Williams (5.5-2.5). The
French defence mandatory opening tournament at the Alekhine CC was
won by H. Brodie and B. Blank (5-1). The five divisions of the
Interscholastic were held at NDG Centre (Western Div), St. Thomas HS
(Lakeshore Div.), St-Denis Centre (South-Central Div), Pere Marquette
Centre (North Central Div.), and Rosemount HS (5th regional Div.).
The teams qualifying for the finals were: Chomedy HS, LCC, HS of
Montreal, Royal George, Rosemount, and Beaconsfield.