- January: Montreal Chess League member clubs were:
- Montreal CC (460 Sherbrooke E - moved to 259 St-Jacques, #39).
President: Gaston Gaudet.
- En Passant (251 St-Viatur). President: Maurice Fox.
- Le Parisien (975 Chaumont). President: N. Faribeault.
- Wilbank (St-Antoine and Atwater). President: Charles Robillard.
- Sun Life. President: H. Ward.
- The City Championship was won by Joseph Rauch; the "B" by J.
Fraser; the "C" by Max Saxberg. No crosstables available.
- The "A" team championship was won by En Passant.
- The "B" team championship was won by En Passant.
- The "C" team championship was won by Le Parisien.
- Alfred Tanguay (18-0) won the Montreal CC championship. S. Kitces
(16.5-1.5) was second.
- Ruben Fine simul (16 boards); won 16; drew 0; lost 0.
- The Canadian Championship (10 players) was held at the Mount
Royal Hotel: Maurice Fox (1st - 8.5-0.5); Joseph Rauch (2nd -
7.5-1.5); Dudley Ledain (3rd - 6.5-2.5); Charles Smith (8th -
3-6); Ephrem Brisebois (9th - 2.5-6.5).
- The Montreal Chess League executive was: Ephrem Brisebois
(president); Max Guze and N. Faribeault (vice-presidents);
Charles Robillard (Secretary-treasurer).
- The Montreal Chess Club executive was: T. Sampson
(president); H. Ward and C. Mules (vice-presidents);
C. Ranch (Secretary-treasurer).
- The City Championship (Major - 6 players) was won by Joseph Rauch
(4.5-0.5); the Minor (4 players) by Charles Robillard (5.5-0.5).
No crosstables available.
- October: The Canadian Championship (11 players) was in Winnipeg:
Maurice Fox (2nd - 8-2, behind Abe Yanofsky); S Kitces (4th - 7-3).
- The Montreal Chess League executive was: T. Sampson
(president); Max Guze, C.Mules, and N. Faribeault (vice-presidents);
Charles Robillard (Secretary-treasurer).
- The City Championship (Major - 8 players) at Le Parisien, was won
by Joseph Rauch, who also won the "La Patrie" trophy.
No crosstables available.
- The Montreal CC moved to the Palestre Nationale, 840 Cherrier, where
it was open seven days a week.
- En Passant CC and Le Parisien were also open seven days a week.
- The Montreal CC Championship (14 players) was won
by Joseph Rauch (11.5-1.5).
- Abe Yanofsky simul (17 boards) at Le Parisien: won 15; drew 2
(Gaston Gaudet and G. Gallagher); lost 0.
- Abe Yanofsky simul (27 boards) at Congregation Adath Israel:
won 17; drew 6; lost 4 (Gaston Gaudet, S.B. Wilson, Schwartz, and Garelick).
- May: The Military Chess League was started - the team championship
won by the Great War Vets CC (17-7). Member clubs were:
- Great War Vets CC.
- Ambulance Corps CC.
- Grenadier Guards CC.
- Wilbank CC (withdrew from Montreal Chess League - champion: Charles Robillard).
- Elwood CC.
- The Montreal Chess League executive was: T. Sampson
(president); Max Guze and N. Faribeault (vice-presidents);
Secretary-treasurer position was vacant.
- The Montreal Chess Club executive was: T. Sampson
(president); C. Mules and Georges Marechal (vice-presidents);
C.E. St-Maurice (secretary-treasurer).
- The City Championship (Major - 10 players) at the Montreal CC, was won
by Charles Smith (7-2).
No crosstables available.
- The Montreal CC Championship (9 players), was won
by R. Campa (7.5-0.5).
- Gaston Gaudet (9-0) won a 10-player, 5-seconds-a-move tournament
at the Montreal CC.
- April: Phil Brunet blindfold simul (6 boards): won 4; drew 2; lost 0.
- June: Canadian Championship (12 players) was held in Dalhousie, N.B.
Charles Smith (2nd - 10-1 - behind Abe Yanofsky); O.M. McConnell
(4th - 6.5-4.5).
- The Montreal Chess Club executive was: T. Sampson
(president); C. Mules and Georges Marechal (vice-presidents);
C.E. St-Maurice (secretary-treasurer).
- Member clubs of the Montreal Chess League:
- Wilbank (915 Atwater).
- Montreal CC (840 Cherrier). Champion: Charles Smith.
- Le Parisien (960 Chaumont).
- Club J'ai Alai. Champion: I. Boituck.
- L'Echiquier. Champions: J. Auger and R. Mongeau.
- CASC. Champion: Lieut. Gendron.
- En Passant (251 St-Viateur W.).
- Cercle Le Sphinx (South Shore).
- The Montreal CC Championship (Major - 6 players), was won
by Charles Smith (9-3); the Minor (10 players) by Cameron (10.5-1.5).
No crosstables available.
- May: it was announced that the City Championship would be postponed
until the fall; it did not take place then; it did not take place
again until 1947.
- November: The Montreal CC celebrated its 100th anniversary with
a match against Quebec (Montreal 6, Quebec 4 - A. Vasconcellos drew
Jules Therien on board 1), and a banquet at the Plaza Hotel.
- The Montreal Chess Club executive was: Ephrem Brisebois
(president); C. Mules and T. Sampson (vice-presidents);
Noel Bureau (secretary-treasurer).
- Member clubs of the Montreal Chess League:
- Montreal CC (840 Cherrier). Champion: A. Vasconcellos.
- L'Echiquier. Champion: Charles Robillard.
- Wilbank (915 Atwater). Champion: William Daillaire.
- Cercle Le Sphinx (South Shore). Champion: M. Senecal.
- Les Collegiens. Champion: J. Labrecque.
- CASC. Champion: Capt. P. Lerousse.
- Le Parisien (960 Chaumont).
- Cercle St-Henri (5010 Notre-Dame W.).
- En Passant (251 St-Viateur W.).
- April: Montreal beat Quebec 5-3 in a match.
- Gisela Gresser (US women's champion) simul (18 boards) at Montreal CC.
Won 12; drew 0; lost 1 (J.E. Patenaude).
- Charles Robillard elected President of the Chess Federation of Canada.
- Montreal CC champion A. Vasconcellos returned to Brazil.
- Telegraph match: Toronto 5, Montreal 3. Maurice Fox beat S. Morrison
on board 1.
- December: Le Parisen had "a successful annual oyster party".
- The Montreal Chess League executive was: T. Sampson
(president); Alexis Cartier (vice-president);
Noel Bureau (secretary-treasurer).
- Member clubs of the Montreal Chess League:
- Les Collegiens. Champion: N. Tobin.
- Veterans. Champion: R. Mackenzie.
- Cercle Femina. Champion: G. Archangelo.
- Cercle Le Sphinx (South Shore). Champion: B. Lortie.
- L'Echiquier. Champion: Charles Robillard.
- Cercle St-Henri (5010 Notre-Dame W.). Champion: E. Patenaude.
- Montreal CC (840 Cherrier).
- Wilbank (915 Atwater).
- Le Parisien (960 Chaumont).
- Verdun YMCA.
- En Passant (251 St-Viateur W.).
- May: Montreal beat Quebec 6-0 in a match. Montreal players were:
Maurice Fox, E. Davis, Max Guze, Charles Podlone, Matthews, and
Jack Gersho.
- June: Montreal beat Ottawa 5.5-0.5 in a match. Maurice Fox drew
N. Wilson on board 1.
- June: Toronto beat Montreal 4-2 in a match in Kingston.
Max Guze 0 R. Anderson 1; Maurice Fox 0 R.E. Martin 1; E. Davis =
H. Opsahl; Jack Gersho 1 K. Kerns 0; W. Schwartz 0 H. Rideout 1.
- The Canadian Championship (2 sections of 14 players each) was held
in Toronto. J. Belson won the final playoff over Maurice Fox. ($200
and $140).
- Alexis Cartier died.
- The daughter of Jules Therien died in a car accident.
- "La Ligue du Noble Jeu" - six clubs (Les Collegiens, Queen's Knight,
Cercle Femina, Club de la Tour, L'Echiquier, and Le Sphinx), formed
a new League - in competition with the Montreal Chess League.
- Member clubs of the Montreal leagues were:
- Cercle Femina. Champion: Anna Cosgrove.
- Cercle Le Sphinx (South Shore). Champion: F. Landry.
- L'Echiquier. Champion: J. Auger.
- Verdun YMCA. Champion: Phil Brunet.
- Montreal CC (840 Cherrier).
- Cercle de la Tour.
- Les Collegiens.
- Queen's Knight CC.
- Wilbank (915 Atwater).
- Le Parisien (960 Chaumont).
- En Passant (251 St-Viateur W.).
- February: Abe Yanofsky and R.G. Wade tandem simul (28 boards) at the
Verdun CC: won 26; drew 0; lost 2 (Jackson and Imre Poirier).
- February: Abe Yanofsky and R.G. Wade tandem simul (27 boards) at the
Central YMCA: won 25; drew 2; lost 0. They also gave lectures and
blindfold exhibitions.
- The City Championship (36 players) was won by Joseph Rauch and W.
- June: Montreal Chess League re-formed, and the "Ligue du Noble
Jeu" was dissolved.
- July: The Quebec City junior champion was 18-year old Raymond Trudel.
- The Canadian Championship (14 14 each) was held in Quebec City.
Joseph Rauch (2nd - 11-2 behind Abe Yanofsky); Phil Brunet (7.5-5.5);
Redpath Drummond (4.5-8.5); R. Lebel (4-9); O. Wreschner (3-10).
- September: A new Provincial Federation was formed.
- October: The Provincial Championship (22 players) was held at the
Montreal East Town Hall. Entry fee was $2. Dudley Ledain directed.
It was won by Jules Therien (5-1). Phil Brunet and Jack Gersho scored
- The Montreal CC championship was won by Giroux (15-1).
- December: The Provincial Speed Championship (30 players) (10 seconds/move)
was held at Sorel. The winner was Max Guze (6.5-0.5).
- The Montreal Chess Club executive was: Ephrem Brisebois
(president); Max Guze (vice-president);
Phil Brunet (secretary-treasurer).
- Verdun CC champion was J.E. Patenaude (9-0).
- City Championship (Major - 17 players) won by Maurice Fox (14-2).
Entry fee was $5; time control was 36/90, 24/60; first prize was
the Courtemanche Trophy and a silver brick. The Minor "B" (48
players) was won by J.E. Patenaude.
- McGill University beat University of Toronto 7.5-1.5 in a match.
- Quebec City junior champions were Raymond Trudel and Rene Levesque.(!?)
- The Chess Federation of Canada had 561 members (NB - 31; PEI - 11;
NS - 15; Que. - 226; Ont. - 149; Man. - 57; Sask. - 17; Alb. - 5; BC - 50).
- July: East Montreal beat West 15-6. Max Guze drew Maurice Fox on board 1.
- October: The Provincial Championship (29 players) was held at the
Mount Royal Town Hall. Dudley Ledain directed.
It was won by Jack Gersho and Osias Bain (5-1).
- Provincial Federation executive was: Joseph Rauch
(president); Ephrem Brisebois and R. Trottier (vice-presidents);
Dudley Ledaain (secretary); E. Morrissette (treasurer).
- Montreal Chess League executive was: G. Archangelo
(president); J. Auger, L. Drury, and E. Bernard (vice-presidents);
E. Lariviere (secretary); R. Brescia (treasurer).
- November: The Montreal Chess League split up again as in 1946.
The new executive was: A. Ekstein
(president); Max Guse and L. Beaudin (vice-presidents);
W. Hornung (secretary-treasurer).
- December: The Provincial Speed Championship (28 players) (10 seconds/move)
was held at Shawinigan. The winners were Joseph Rauch and H. Feldman (6-1).
- April 2: the first chess column by Dudley Ledain appeared in "The
Gazette". He would continue writing it for 30 more years.
- April: The Montreal Speed Championship (24 players) (10 seconds/move)
was held at the Montreal East Town Hall - winners were Maurice Fox
and Ignas Zalys.
- April: The High School championship was won by Baron Byng HS.
- April: The Montreal Junior (15 players) was held at Victoria School.
Won by Seymour Lake (6-0). Second was Lionel Joyner (4.5-1.5).
- April: A club was formed at the Westmount YMCA, meeting on Fridays.
- May: The Interclub Championship was won by Verdun CC (J.E. Patenaude,
G. Keller-Wolff, A. Grant, W. Hornung, L. Beaudin, A Gratton, W. Ekdal).
- June: City Championship (17 players) won by Maurice Fox (12-2); the
Premier Reserves (12 players) by E. Dance (3-0); the Major Open
(36 players) by M. Capkan and G. Gravel (4-1); the Ladies' Championship
by Firda Bone (4-1).
- July: USA beat Canada 116.5 - 86.5 in a country-wide match. Montreal
lost 7-2 to West Orange, NJ. (Maurice Fox drew H. Hesse; Max Guze
lost to Weaver Adams).
- August: Montreal CC and Log Cabin CC (West Orange, NJ) drew 5-5 (on
board 3, Alfred Tanguay lost to John Curdo).
- August: The Canadian Championship (10 players) was held in Arvida.
Maurice Fox (1st - 7.5-1.5); Jospeh Rauch (6th - 5-4); Phil Brunet
(7th - 3-6); Jules Therien (9th - 2-7).
- August: Abe Yanofsky simul (17 boards) at the NDG YMCA: won 16; drew
1 (S. Wreschner); lost 0.
- October: The Provincial Championship (26 players) was held in
Quebec - won by Max Guze and Joseph Rauch (5-1), Charles Podlone (4.5-1.5).
- Provincial Federation executive was: Joseph Rauch
(president); Alfred Tanguay and R. Trottier (vice-presidents);
A.J. Holton (secretary); J.A. Morrissette (treasurer).
- November: The Provincial Speed Championship (24 players) (10 seconds/move)
was held at Sherbrooke. The winners were Max Guze and Ignas Zalys.
- November: The McGill CC championship (32 players) won by G. Fox -
the son of Maurice Fox.
- Montreal Chess League executive was: J.B. Eckstein
(president); Max Guze and I. Stevens (vice-presidents);
W. Hornung (secretary-treasurer).
- November: Montreal junior team (S. Low, Lionel Joyner, G. Weintraub,
D. Shuster) beat a Quebec junior team (J. Mericure, J.L. Fiset,
P. Potvin, M. Giroux) 4-0.
- December: Montreal CC beat En Passant CC 6-2 in a match:
Ignas Zalys 1 Maurice Fox 0; Phil Brunet 0.5 Max Guze; Alfred
Tanguay 0.5 Joseph Rauch; Gaston Gaudet 1 Moshe Cohen 0; Georges
Gravel 1 Jack Gersho 0; etc.
- December: Lachine CC opened at 110 Notre-Dame. M. Montpetit - president.
- Montreal Chess Club executive was: Ephrem Brisebois
(president); Alfred Tanguay (vice-president);
Georges Gravel (secretary); E. Pahneuf (treasurer).
(still under construction - more coming!)